Innovative Products allow People to Focus on Abilities
Some people just come up with new ideas and inventions, others see a need and create a solution. Live On Goods (LOG) is one of those companies who saw a problem – people with movement disorders or cognitive issues who find it difficult to keep their clothes clean while dining. The solution – bonTops (stylish clothing protectors). We at Live On Goods are passionate about creating products that will allow people with disabilities to maintain their independence. The bonTops are stylish and functional – allowing people to dine in style.
It is inspiring to see other innovators engaging in designing functional, stylish options for people with disabilities. We believe people should be allowed to be as independent as possible. These innovative companies focus on what people can do with their abilities.
Some examples of innovative companies –
Tommy Hilfiger – Tommy Adaptive Clothing Line
The Alinker – a radically different walking bike
Capeable Sensory Products – weighted blankets and clothing
Emma Watch – a device to ease tremors – Microsoft Research
Laugh Out Loud Aid by Tech Kids Unlimited- train your bran with social and daily living skills
Thank you to all passionate innovators who create useful products to allow people with disabilities to maximize their abilities and enjoy life! Visit us to see our stylish bonTop clothing protector!