Gift giving Ideas for Seniors!
Senior gift giving ideas!
Gift giving for Seniors can be a challenge. They may not really want more “things” but deserve a nice surprise or gif of love from us! We have put our heads together at Live On Goods and have come up with a few ideas that might be helpful:
1. Wireless headphones (so they can listen to TV without turning it up so loud)
2. Books to read together or an audible book
3. A craft project or puzzle to work on together
4. Ticket to an art class or cooking class
5. If your loved one gets a little messy at the table, the bonTop clothing protector is a wonderful gift. It is beautiful and functional. No one even needs to know there is a “bib” being used. What a gift for a Senior with special needs!
6. A book of coupons you create with tasks with which they would appreciate your help, like cleaning out closets, meal preparation, car maintenance…
7. Museum or botanical garden membership
8. Special picture frames are available, where anyone can send pictures via email, directly to the frame for slide shows. PhotoSpring is one brand, but there are many others.
9. The gift of time is one of the best, spend time reminiscing over old photos and stories. Take a loved one to lunch or just stop in for coffee!
10. A warm lap blanket, even an electric one would be like a nice hug all year long!