What inspires us? Uncle Mo

My Uncle Mo


Pictured is one of the most amazing men I know.  He is kind, loving, extremely intelligent and resourceful beyond belief.  He was injured in an accident while clearing land as a successful home builder in Colorado.  The accident left him with quadriplegia, but it did not stop his drive and enthusiasm to continue building a life for his wife and daughter.  He continued to work in real estate and was a successful developer.   He spent many years living high in the mountains, coordinating his own care, allowing his family to live with beautiful views of “God’s country.”  When his wife was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, the two of them worked together to stay in their home and enjoy life.  From his chair, Uncle Mo coordinated care for them both!  He never misses a family event and always finds a way to participate in life 100%.


Uncle Mo has been very helpful in designing the bonTop clothing protector.  He continues to help with prototypes, as we fine tune our design.  He suggested the simpler collar on our next design and his helping us design a clothing protector that is easier for the caregivier to use!


Uncle Mo is an inspiration to me with his positive attitude and ability to live independently and enjoy life.

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