Dressing Tips for Independence

Dressing tips for Independence!

bonTop and adaptable clothing


Dressing tasks can be made difficult by physical disabilities. 

Fine motor control, range-of-motion, strength and coordination are all needed! 


When confronted with a physical challenge, we have three choices:


1.     Change the way we do it.  For example, a patient with hemiplegia, (Paralysis of one side) can learn techniques to dress independently.  These techniques provided by the American Heart Association are extremely helpful.  Other techniques can help with limited range of motion of the lower extremities, strength or balance problems, just to name a few.  Always sit when dressing if you suffer from balance problems or low energy.  You can put your pants on in bed and use a stool to bring your foot closer when putting on shoes and socks.


2.    Use adaptive equipment to make the job easier! Long handled shoe horns, elastic shoelaces, sock aids and button hooks can all be helpful items.  An example of these can be found here, at Performance Medical, but there are many retailers out there! Velcro closures in adaptable clothing make for easy on/off.  Our bonTop, an adult bib is specially designed for mealtime independence. It closes with Velcro in the front for those with impaired shoulder movement or decreased fine motor coordination.


3.     Improve Function!  An Occupational Therapist can design a program for exercise and activities that can help to regain function.  Exercises can help to increase strength and coordination and increase your activity tolerance!





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